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Spellings are set every week, on a Monday. Your child will bring home a spelling homework book on a Monday with their words in. They should practise their words and write a sentence for each of their words. Spelling homework is handed in on Fridays and spellings are tested on a Friday.

Your child is expected to read at least ten pages of their book at home each week. This should be with an adult, not by themselves. When you have heard your child read, please sign their reading diary. Reading diaries are collected in on a Monday. We then keep reading diaries in school, so that adults at school can write in them during reading and guided reading sessions. Your child will then bring their diary home on a Friday. If your child forgets their reading diary or book, please hear them read something from home and write a note that we can stick in their diary at school.

Maths homework is handed out on a Thursday and collected back in the following Thursday ready for new work to go home.

Once a term, we will set a learning log. The date for this to be handed in will be on the choices sheet. This work should be completed in your child's learning log folder and returned to school.