Our Vision Statement
We want the children at Whitwell Primary School to be the BEST they can be in all areas and aspects of life both in and out of school. This is underpinned by our school motto:
Our school’s vision and ethos was written by the children of Whitwell Primary School together with the staff, parents and governors of our school. Together we believe:
Our school is
- A safe place to be
- Welcoming to all
- Forward thinking
- Happy, caring and inspirational
- Part of the community
We have
- A fun and up to date curriculum
- Great outside spaces for learning
- Enquiring minds
- Exciting trips, theme days and visitors
- Challenge in all we do
- Healthy minds and bodies
- Opportunities beyond the classroom
- Safe and appropriate technology skills
- The chance to try new things and be creative
- Time to celebrate success and achievements
We are
- Polite and respectful of others
- A team as well as individuals
- Determined and resilient
- Confident and independent
- Proud of all our achievements - big and small
- Kind, friendly and supportive
- Good role models