Children's Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being
At Whitwell Primary School we are committed to supporting the emotional health and well-being of our pupils and staff.
SMILERS is an initiative from Derbyshire County Council, and is an acronym to help us all to remember the things we can do – physically and mentally – to help us in our wellbeing, through all of our ups and downs.
The SMILERS ways to wellbeing are:
STAY CONNECTED Having healthy relationships with people and pets to help you to feel happy.
MOVE Being active to release chemicals in your brain which boost your mood and make you feel good.
INTEREST Having special interests and learning something new to keep your brain busy.
LOOK Using your senses to notice what is around you to keep you in the moment.
EAT WELL Eating a balanced diet to make you feel good and also to help you stay healthy and strong.
REST Getting a good night’s sleep to improve your memory, mood and mental health.
SUPPORT Supporting people to make us feel positive and to make them happy too!