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Mrs Anderson

Welcome to Year 6 Forget-me-nots.


Important information.

The classroom door will open at 8.40 each morning. All children must be in school by 8.55am. The children will enter through the door which looks out over the Key Stage 2 playground.

The day will end at 3.20pm. Parents should wait on the Key Stage 2 yard to collect children. 

Children need to bring named wellies in a carrier bag with their name on for the first day. These should remain in school, as we use the field for breaks whatever the weather.

Your child will need a coat, book bag or bag, water bottle and a lunchbox daily (if they have packed lunch).

Please write your child's name in all of their belongings.   

Our PE days are: Tuesday indoors and Friday outdoors for the whole class.. On PE days, children should come to school in an outdoor PE kit. See the PE section below for more information.

Mrs Pegg is our class TA. Mrs Pegg will also work on outdoor PE and RE with the children on Fridays.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me:

- I am available before and after school on the Key Stage 2 playground.

- Call school and make an appointment to see me.

- Email me on