Foundation Subjects
Autumn Term 1 Topic
This term the children will be learning about habitats. They will answer the questions:
- Are the things I find alive, have they never been alive or were once alive?
- What lives in my tree?
- What animals live in this woody habitat?
- What animals live in this grassy habitat?
- What do animals that live in the woods eat?
- What do the animals that live in the pond eat? We will have a visitor visiting the school to support our work with this lesson.
Our History topic is all about dinosaurs. The children will make their own fossils using salt dough. They will look at what a palaeontologist is. The children will name common dinosaurs and find out what dinosaurs eat. They will research key facts about different dinosaurs.
The children's topic is called colour creations. They will discuss their favourite colour and produce some artwork based on this. The children will identify and mix primary colours to make secondary colours. They will create different shades of colour and produce artwork based on Kandinsky.
The children will start by focusing on online safety using Purple Mash.
The topic is all about me and my relationships. The children will discuss their ideal classroom. They will talk about how they are feeling, what it means to be a good friend and types of bullying.
The topic is pulse, rhythm and pitch.