Foundation Subjects
Spring 1
HISTORY- Roman Britain
SCIENCE - Forces- Friction and Magnets
FRENCH- At the Tearoom
ART - Famous Buildings
What is a building? What can buildings be used for?
Over this unit, the children will be exploring some of the most famous buildings in the world and finding out who built them and why they are famous. They will identify that a person who designs buildings is called an architect and what their job entails. Children will be encouraged to look at areas of light and dark in a close-up photograph of the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral. They will explore using different shading techniques (hatching, crosshatching, scumbling and stippling) to create areas of light and dark in their sketches of a section of St. Paul's Cathedral. Children will learn that they can affect the heaviness or lightness of the shading by changing the pressure on their pencil, and/or making the lines or dots closer together or further apart. They will explore colour and pattern when recreating St Basil’s Cathedral. They will need to think about the design on the cathedral as well as the colours they need to make and use. They will be using symmetry and tracing techniques to create artwork portraying the Taj Mahal. Finally, the children will design a building for a particular purpose.
COMPUTING- Animation
PSHE - Keeping Safe
The children will be learning:
Define the terms 'danger', 'risk' and 'hazard' and explain the difference between them;
Identify situations which are either dangerous, risky or hazardous;
Suggest simple strategies for managing risk and suggest people they can ask for help in managing risk.
Define what is meant by the word 'dare';
Identify from given scenarios which are dares and which are not;
Suggest strategies for managing dares.
Understand that we can be influenced both positively and negatively;
Give examples of some of the consequences of behaving in an unacceptable, unhealthy or risky way.
Identify images that are safe/unsafe to share online;
Know and explain strategies for safe online sharing;
Understand and explain the implications of sharing images online without consent.
Understand that medicines are drugs;
Explain safety issues for medicine use;
Suggest alternatives to taking a medicine when unwell;
Suggest strategies for limiting the spread of infectious diseases (e.g. hand-washing routines).